12 Pastel Lavender Hair Ideas | How To Get The Look At Home.

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Pastel lavender, that cool urban look that’s pretty, grunge and glamour all rolled into one. It’s one of those colors that everybody always dreams about having. Now’s the time, people.

Buckle up! Here are 12 of the most on-trend lavender hair colors ideas you need to know about right now.

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What is pastel lavender hair?

Lavender is the edgier sister shade of pinker, icy Lilac which is also one of the hot hair color ideas that are all the rage this year.

Pastel lavender is a super soft color and the perfect blend of purple and blue shades which means it will suit any skin tone – cool or warm.

We love lavender for being such a versatile color – it can be soft, it can be bright, it can be pastel, electric or neon.

And it looks completely fantastic with lavender ombre, balayage or highlights styles.

Lavender is also a great blending partner for all kinds of silver and icy blonde hair shades.

Lavender is typically used to color-correct yellow tones and brassy tones, so you know with pastel lavender your lush look will always stay cool.

Check out the latest looks for ideas and inspiration.

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12 On-Trend Pastel Lavender Hair Ideas

This cool shade of purple is popping up all over the place, from runways to street style to social media feeds. Here are 12 stunning ways to jump on the trend.

#1. Dusty Lavender Ombre

This look is as dreamy as it sounds, with a beautiful fade from a dark or light root to a pale, pastel lavender at the tips.

The gradient effect is stunning and looks effortlessly understated on brunette or blonde hair.

#2. Lavender Balayage

Balayage is a French word for “to sweep,” and it involves painting the hair to create a natural-looking, blended highlight effect.

A lavender balayage gives a depth and dimension with a subtle pastel hue that will enhance your overall look.

#3. Silver Lavender Highlights

This look is perfect for someone with light hair who wants a cooler-toned lavender hairstyle.

By adding a silver tone to lavender purple highlights, you can create a gorgeous silver lavender color that looks super stunning on blonde hair.

#4. Pastel Lavender Unicorn Hair

Create a magical look with a pastel lavender unicorn hairstyle.

This exquisite look involves combining different pastel shades to create a unicorn-inspired color scheme on your hair.

We love this rainbow take but you’ll definitely need a professional colorist to getd this one!

#5. Ash Purple Lavender

This look is perfect for someone who wants a muted pastel lavendar color.

By adding a grey tone to the mix, you can create an ashy and muted purple lavender tone that will give you a modern and trendy look. Go for this if you have very dark hair or black hair.

#6. Lavender Peekaboo

If you don’t want an overall lavender color, but still want to mix the hue into your style try a peekaboo style.

A peekaboo is a section of hair strands that are dyed a different color and is hidden beneath your top layer of hair.

A lavender or violet peekaboo will give you a hidden pop of color.

#7. Lavender and Candy Pink Ombre

Lavender and Candy Pink style is a beautiful combination of muted lavender and vivid pastel pink hues.

This combo is perfect for anyone wanting to step out of their comfort zone and try something different.

#8. Pastel Lavender Melt

A pastel lavender melt is a subtle and romantic look that involves creating a beautiful blend of other pastel colors like mauve and lilac into soft lavender colors.

It gives a dreamy, almost magical vibe.

#9. Lavender and Mint Split Dye

This striking two-tone look involves splitting your hair down the middle into two contrasting colors.

Adding mint green to lavender hair creates a fun and edgy style that is perfect for all seasons.

#10. Lavender Blue and Silver Balayage

If you are feeling adventurous, try combining a shade of lavender with some blue tones for an exciting lavender blue balayage blend.

It looks incredible on a steel smokey silver base with streaks of electric blue or magenta.

#11. Lavender Root Blur

The Lavender Root Blur is an effortless style that suits anyone who wants something low maintenance.

It’s a more natural-looking ombre that gives you a subtle lavender color that blends out with your natural hair color.

#12. Mermaid lavender

The mermaid lavender is an ocean-inspired blend of colors like teal and aquamarine that creates an ethereal and magical look.

Perfection for the summertime or as a more vibrant version of periwinkle hair.

Will pastel lavender hair suit me?

Working out which hue of pastel lavender color will suit you depends on whether you have cool or warm undertones.

Cool lavender hair colors contain more blue or green pigment so shades like blue lavender and dark lavender hair would really suit you.

Warm lavender hair colors have deeper red tones, so go for slighter softer and pinker lavender hues and lilacs.

Do I have cool or warm undertones?

If you’re not sure whether you have fair skin tones, medium skin tones or neutral skins tones, you can use our checklist below to find out!

If you have cool undertones:

  • Your skin tone is pink or pale.
  • You blush easily!
  • Jewel and pastel colors are so your thing.
  • The color yellow washes you out and does not look good on you.
  • You have blue not green veins in your wrist.
  • Pearls and silver jewellery look awesome on you.

If you have warm undertones:

  • You have red or golden tones in your natural hair.
  • Your skin tone is golden, tan or olive.
  • You might have freckles.
  • You have green not blue veins in your wrist.
  • You suit bright or rich shades better.
  • Gold jewellery looks awesome on you.
Ash brown hair at home cool or warm undertones infographic
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Which hair colors suit me?

You can also find out which hair color suits you by taking our quiz! Just answer a few quick questions to find out what hair colors most suit you!

Which Hair Color Suits You?

You can also try on some virtual hair colors with the Best hair color changing apps you need to use this year!

How to get pastel lavender hair at home.

Fabulous news. You CAN dye get pastel lavender hair color at home. There are a great range of pastel hair dyes you can use to get the super soft look.

BUT it depends on the color your hair is now, how good the results will be.

If you have blonde hair and lighter: You have a great base to start playing with pastel lavender shades at home. Although you may need to lighten your hair further if you want to a light pastel color.

If you have light brown hair and darker: You’ll need to bleach your hair with a lightening kit to try pastel shades like lavender. Using off-the shelf lavender box dyes will not do for dark hair – sorry!

You’ll need to have an almost platinum blonde base to let pastel hair colors like lavender really come to life.

What are the best pastel lavender hair dyes?

If you’re ready to lunge into lavender at home, these are the semi-permanent hair colors you need. Read more about each one in the best lavender hair dyes you need to get the lush look in your life!

Best lavender hair dye at a glance.

Hair dyeLooks likeBest forBuy it now
Clairol Color Crave Semi Permanent Hair Dye, Lavender

Vibrant lavender locks.
Crazy Colour Semi Permanent Hair Dye, Lavender

Blue lavender hues.
Adore Shining Semi Permanent Hair Colour, Soft Lavender

Strong lavender colour.
L'Oreal Feria Shimmering Color, Smokey Lavender

Subtle pastel wash.
Directions Hair Colour - Lavender

Super soft lavender hair.
Manic Panic Silver Stiletto Gray Hair Dye - Icy Silver Shade with Lavender Tint

Silver-lavender toning tints.


Clairol Colour Crave Semi Permanent Hair Dye, Lavender

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clairol lavender dye
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Best for: Vibrant lavender locks.

This is a great lavender color that’s easy to apply and the creme is lovely and thick so you don’t splash it everywhere and dye your bathroom lavender too. We tried it on mid-blonde hair and left it in for 30 minutes to really penetrate.

The results were a lustrous, vibrant color that lifted our hair. After 5 washes, it’s on its way out so it won’t last the 15+ washes it promises but the color is so gorgeous that we’ll forgive them.

Watch and learn: How to bleach and dye your hair lavender

Here’s an awesome video tutorial that guides you through how to bleach and dye your hair with lavender hair dye step by step.

How do I care for pastel lavender hair?

Lavender hair is like purple hair in that it will fade fast. So you need to do all you can to look after your color.

Confusingly, purple shampoo is not what you’re looking for. This is made for blonde hair and will strip your lush lavender color.

Use a sulphate-free shampoo and color-kind conditioner to keep your lavender locks in tip-top condition.

Parting words.

Pastel lavender is the color of dreams. But, until now, it’s been a dream you could only have if you had access to an expensive salon.

Not anymore! We hope this post has given you the confidence to get pastel lavender hair at home.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and buy these products today so we can show you how easy it is to make gorgeous lavender locks happen right from your own bathroom sink. Good luck!

This article was written by:

  • Nicola Freeman, Creative Director & Content Lead
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    Creative Director & Content Lead

    With over two decades of passionate hair dyeing experience, I've experimented with nearly every shade imaginable. My journey began long before blogging; as an award-winning copywriter in London and New York, I shaped narratives for iconic brands. However, when friends sought advice during lockdown for at-home hair dyeing, I realized my true calling. Beyond being your hair color expert, I'm a mom of two girls, wife to artist Tony, and an avid soccer player!