Icy White Hair Dye | Your At-Home Guide to Frosty Locks.

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If you’re looking to get that perfect snow-white hair color, we’ve got just the thing for you. Read on for the best white hair dye you need to get the look!

If you’ve been struggling with your hair color and want something new, or if your natural color is lacklustre and boring, it may be time for a change. And what better way to make a statement than by going wonderful white?

Whether you already have dark brown or black hair and want to lighten it up, or whether you’ve always wanted an all-over bright look but don’t know where to start – this guide will help!

This shade is a much more complex issue than many people realize, since it doesn’t always mean the same thing to everyone.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what it really means and whether it’s the right hue for you.

If you’re thinking about giving your locks a whitewash, here are some things to consider before making the leap!

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What is white hair?

If you’ve been on social media lately, it’s likely that you’ve come across someone with white hair color.

It’s no secret that this trend is taking off in the fashion world and celebrities like Kim K and Cara Delevingne are leading the way.

It’s a color that looks amazing with long or short hair and makes light eye color really pop!

In recent seasons, we’ve seen it on the runway and it seems to be sticking around for a while.

So why all this hype? Well, it’s not just one thing – there are many reasons for this trend from celebrities wearing their natural grey color and ageing gracefully to embracing your inner unicorn!

As well as its super cool appeal, it’s a hue that’s also associated with wisdom! – which makes it a perfect choice for clever clogs. Black and white hair is also a striking look this season.

Check out the latest white hair looks on our Pinterest board for ideas and inspiration.

white hair color collection pinterest board
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How easy is it to dye hair white?

It is totally possible to dye your hair white, but it’s important to understand that getting white hair is one of the most challenging hair color transformations.

White hair dye isn’t a hair dye color you apply directly, but rather the result of bleaching and toning your hair to remove all of it’s pigment. It’s a harsh process and we wouldn’t recommend even thinking about it if you have dark hair.

Let’s break down the process:

  1. Hair Assessment: Before you begin, it’s crucial to assess the condition of your hair. If your hair is dark, you may need several bleaching sessions to reach a pale yellow color without damaging your hair excessively.
  2. Bleaching: This is the most critical step. The process involves using a high-lift bleach to strip the natural color from your hair. This needs to be done carefully to avoid damaging your hair and scalp.
  3. Toning: After bleaching, a toner is used to remove the remaining yellow and brassy tones to achieve that icy white shade. Toners often have a purple or blue base to counteract the yellow hues.
  4. Maintenance: White hair requires a lot of maintenance. You’ll need to use purple shampoo to keep brassy yellow tones at bay and deep conditioning treatments to maintain hair health.
  5. Professional Help: Because of the potential for damage and the complexity of the process, it’s often recommended to seek the assistance of a professional colorist. They can ensure that the process is done safely and that you achieve the desired shade of white. If you have damaged or very dark hair, achieving white hair may not be feasible without causing further damage.

The best thing to do if you want white hair is to consult with a professional to understand the risks and to plan a process that’s customized especially for your hair color and type.

“Going white isn’t a one-step thing. It usually takes several bleach treatments and some serious care afterwards. We’re talking about more than just putting on dye; it’s a careful change that takes time.”

Enza Piazza, Professional Hair Stylist and Colorist

Things to consider before dyeing your hair white.

  • Know Your Hair Type: Your hair’s texture and health are key. Fine, thick, curly, or straight – each type reacts differently to bleach.
  • Assess Hair Health: If your hair is dark, you’ll need to bleach your hair more than once, which can be tough on your hair. Check its condition, especially if it’s been dyed or treated before.
  • Be Ready for Multiple Sessions: Getting to white can take a few visits to the salon. It’s a gradual process to avoid damage.
  • Understand the Upkeep: White hair needs lots of care to stay bright and avoid yellow tones. Plan for regular toning, using special shampoos, and lots of conditioning.
  • Talk to a Pro: A hairdresser can give you advice tailored to your hair and help set realistic expectations.

Remember, going white is a big change and takes ongoing effort to maintain. Make sure you’re ready for the commitment before diving in.

Which is the best white hair dye?

It can be difficult to find the right color and it can be a really bad experience if you don’t know what you’re doing.

To help out, here are the top recommended, best white hair dyes you need!

Best white hair dye at a glance

Hair dyeLooks likeBuy it now
L'Oreal Preference Permanent Hair Dye, Very Light Crystal Blonde
L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference Fade-Defying + Shine Permanent Hair Color, Extra Light Natural Blonde, Pack of 2, Hair Dye
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L'Oreal Paris Feria Multi-Faceted Shimmering Permanent Hair Color, Extreme Platinum,
L'Oreal Paris Feria Multi-Faceted Shimmering Permanent Hair Color, Extreme Platinum, Pack of 2
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Garnier Color Sensation Vivids Blonde Hair Dye Permanent Silver Diamond

Bblonde/Jerome Russell Semi-Permanent Toner Ice White
Bblonde/Jerome Russell Semi-Permanent Toner Ice White, 160 g
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La Riche Directions - White
La Riche Directions Semi-Permanent Hair Colour 88ml x 2 tubs White Toner
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Color Restore Iced Platinum Anti Yellow Hair Toner
Colour Restore Iced Platinum Anti Yellow Hair Toner - Multiple Use -100ml
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Garnier Color Sensation Vivids Blonde Hair Dye, Silver Diamond

Best for: Bright white blondes.

This hair dye is also a hair lightener so we tried it out on dark blonde hair to see if it would lift it a level or two.

Well, the result wasn’t anywhere near as light as the box, but it has added an all-over shine to our hair which we love.

Make sure your hair is bleached to almost white and you’ll haev more chance of getting the silver-blonde color on the box.


  • Great price
  • Evens out tones
  • Adequate coverage
  • Dye and lightener
  • Adds shine
  • Easy instructions
  • Even color result
  • Softens hair
  • Compliments on color
  • Easy to apply


  • No application accessories
  • Color may vary
  • Requires pre-lightening
  • Limited lift on dark hair
  • Uncertain for darker tones

Can you dye your hair white without bleaching it?

General Answer: No. Bleaching hair is absolutely necessary to achieve a super light hair color like white.

If your hair is naturally very light blonde, you might be able to get to a pale blonde with a high-lift dye, but true white? That’s a stretch.

For most folks, the path to white hair will involve some lightening, and bleach is the most common tool for the job.

Now, if you’re set against bleaching, there are some temporary alternatives, like hair chalk or spray-on colors. These can give you a taste of white hair, but they wash out and won’t give you the full, true-white look.

Bottom line: To get that snowy, pristine white, bleach is what you need.

If that’s not in the cards for you, have a chat with a professional colorist about what’s possible for your hair.

They might have tricks up their sleeve to edge you closer to your goal, while keeping your hair as healthy as possible.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Dazzling White Hair.

To dye your hair white, you’ll need to bleach your hair first and then use a white hair dye or toner. It will take some time, but it’s worth it! Just follow our step-by-step guide for how to get white hair color.

Step 1: Get ready

First, make sure that you have the right tools for the job. You will need a bleaching kit (we recommend this one), which should include gloves and a bowl/brush for the application of the bleach.

Step 2: Bleach your hair

Next, mix up your bleach according to package directions and apply it. Make sure that all of your hair is covered in an even layer of bleach so there are no patches left behind when we move onto step two!

Step 3: Leave to develop

Once everything has been applied evenly, put on another pair of gloves and wait 30 minutes before rinsing out the bleach completely using cold water until there is no more residue left over from the product in your hair (this may take several rounds).

Step 4: Rinse and shampoo

Then follow up by shampooing twice with cool water to remove any extra product build-up from previous steps as well as conditioner.

If there are any areas that need another application or two, then you’ll just need to repeat the process until your hair reaches the desired base.

Keep in mind that bleaching and dyeing will cause damage so try not to over do it!

Step 5: Apply hair dye

Then you’ll need to apply your hair dye. Whether you go for a white dye or a toner (which is designed to add various levels of color) depends on the tone that you want your hair to be after dyeing it.

To achieve the best results, we recommend using both – applying the hair dye first and then following up with the toner afterward so that you get the right hue.

Apply your hair dye or toner to your hair, making sure you’re applying it evenly so that there are no noticeable patches. Leave it on for the recommended time on the box and rinse it off.

Step 6: Apply toner

Next, it’s time to use your toner. Apply the product and wait until you see the color change before rinsing it out completely using cold water.

Step 7: Rinse and style!

Finally, rinse it off and give your new look a little extra oomph by curling or straightening!

Let everything dry fully before deciding if there are any areas of your hair that need another application, but make sure you don’t leave it in for too long or else you’ll risk damage!

If you’re happy with the look, then congratulations – your hair is now white!

Watch and learn: How the professionals do it.

Here’s a great video tutorial that guide you through how to bleach your hair step by step.

Will white hair suit me?

This cool color can look amazing on some people, but it’s not for everyone.

The only question is whether or not your skin tone can handle the intense glow that comes with a head of snow-white hair.

If you’re cool-toned, you’re good to go. This shade will make your skin glow and eyes sparkle.

That’s not to say warm undertones can’t pull it off too. Think about adding pastel pink highlights or streaks to warm it up. A more yellow platinum is definitely a better fit for warm skin tones.

If you have cool undertones:

  • Your skin tone is pink or pale.
  • You blush easily!
  • Jewel and pastel colors are so your thing.
  • The color yellow washes you out and does not look good on you.
  • You have blue not green veins in your wrist.
  • Pearls and silver jewellery look awesome on you.

If you have warm undertones:

  • You have red or golden tones in your natural hair.
  • Your skin tone is golden, tan or olive.
  • You might have freckles.
  • You have green not blue veins in your wrist.
  • You suit bright or rich shades better.
  • Gold jewellery looks awesome on you.
cool or warm undertones infographic
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Which hair colors suit me?

You can also find out which hair color suits you by taking our quiz! Just answer a few quick questions to find out what other hair colors most suit you!

Which Hair Color Suits You?

You can also try on some virtual hair colors with the Best hair color changing apps you need to use this year.

Is white hair the same as silver?

Silver is another on-trend shade right now that isn’t just for oldies!

It’s not the same as white as it has ashy, metallic grey tones throughout.

Both white and silver-grey come from bleaching your natural hair color until it’s completely white or silvery-grey.

White hair typically has more yellow hues whereas silver tends to have blue or violet hues.

whats the difference between white and and silver hair
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Is white hair the same as platinum blonde?

In a word- no. There are many different shades of white. Some are very light and creamy, while others can be ashy and cool.

So what separates these two hues? Well for starters, platinum blonde has more yellow tones mixed in with its cool white-blonde shade than does pure white.

The terms “white” and “platinum” can sometimes be used interchangeably.

White means that there is no pigment in the strand at all; it’s completely transparent and reflective like a blank canvas (or snow).

Platinum refers more specifically to a lighter shade: bleached hair, so it’s easier to achieve.

what the difference white hair vs platinum blonde
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How long does white hair dye last?

White hair dye can last for up to 6 to 8 weeks. Depending on the shade of white, it can be a little more or less than this time.

Because you need a light base to dye it this color it actually fades pretty well as the lighter hair shows through.

What you’ll have more problems with is keeping it cool and free from brassy yellow tones. But it’s nothing a good silver or purple shampoo can’t fix!

Root regrowth will determine when you have to dye your hair again. If you’re naturally dark, you can rock the grown-out root-stretch look to give yourself more time.

If your hair is light, it will look a bit ick as your roots grow. So get ready for more maintenance.

How do I care for white hair?

Because of its lighter, cool tones, this color will fade fast and become brassy with time.

So you’ll need to give it extra TLC and use only products that are formulated especially for colored hair.

After you’ve achieved the look you love, you’ll want to deep condition your hair regularly and avoid a lot of heat styling if you can.  

Your hair will be fragile and more prone to breakage and split ends for a couple of weeks. Especially if you’ve lightened it too.

When you do heat style, use a heat protectant every time like the ones in Best heat protection sprays your colored hair can’t live without. 

You’ll also need to use specially formulated silver shampoos and purple shampoos and conditioners to keep the color from becoming brassy.

Parting words

If you’re looking for a change, then look no further!

We have the perfect product to help you get that on-trend hair colour. With our advice, you can make your snowy hair dreams come true. So what are you waiting for?

Found your perfect white shade? We’d love to see it! Tag us on Instagram @colouredhaircare or Facebook and share your hair dye success stories. Looking for more hair care tips? Check out How to Look After Colored Hair: 11 Expert Secrets For Long-Lasting Color.

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Our Research & Review Process

To ensure our recommendations are as comprehensive and reliable as possible, we’ve undertaken an extensive research effort.

We cite scientific evidence and journals, collect real user reviews and gather impartial perspectives from hair stylists, users, and experts in the field.

Additionally, we conduct hands-on testing by using products and applying hair dyes not only on our own locks but also on real human hair extensions and hair pieces of different hair type, textures and lengths.

This rigorous approach allows us to provide you with insights into which products genuinely live up to their promises.

As always – please consult with a professional hair colorist or stylist for advice on how to color your own hair at home. It’s different for everyone!

This article was written by:

  • Nicola Freeman, Creative Director & Content Lead
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    Creative Director & Content Lead

    With over two decades of passionate hair dyeing experience, I've experimented with nearly every shade imaginable. My journey began long before blogging; as an award-winning copywriter in London and New York, I shaped narratives for iconic brands. However, when friends sought advice during lockdown for at-home hair dyeing, I realized my true calling. Beyond being your hair color expert, I'm a mom of two girls, wife to artist Tony, and an avid soccer player!