Can You Tone Your Hair Twice? What The Experts Say

What’s good hair color lovers! Today, we’re delving into a question that’s a hot topic among hair professionals and DIY colorists alike: Can you tone your hair twice?

If you’re aiming for that perfect hair tone and wondering about the dos and don’ts, you’ve come to the right place.

Let’s explore what the experts have to say and guide you to achieving the best results for your hair.

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Can You Tone Your Hair Twice?

Yes, you can tone hair twice, but it should be done with caution. Double toning can be a good idea for correcting brassiness or achieving a specific shade, but it’s you should always consider your hair’s health and consult with a professional for safe guidance.

What is Hair Toning? A Simple Guide to Getting it Just Right

Hair toning: you’ve probably heard the term thrown around in salons across the land. It’s a crucial step for nailing that dream hair color. Let’s get into what it really means and why you might need it on your locks.

Toning 101: The What and Why

Imagine hair toning as the final touch that elevates your hair color from great to absolutely fabulous. It’s all about adjusting your hair’s shade to perfection.

Whether it’s saying goodbye to brassy tones in blonde hair or adding depth to brunette tones, toning is your hair’s best friend.

“Think of toning like fine-tuning a musical instrument,” says Justin Scepi from Paul Mitchell. “It’s not about changing the song, but making sure every note hits just right. If your hair feels healthy after the first round of toning, a second one can be okay, but always be mindful of what your hair can handle.”

Types of Toners: Finding Your Match

Toners come in different types to suit everyone’s needs. Knowing which one works for you can make all the difference between drab and fab hair.

At-Home Toners: These are your everyday products, like purple shampoos and conditioners. Purple shampoo is a blonde’s best pal for keeping those pesky yellow tones at bay. It’s easy to use and perfect for maintaining that salon-perfect color at home.

Expert Insights

“Using an at-home toner, like a purple shampoo, is a fantastic way to keep your hair looking fresh. It’s like giving your hair a little pep talk between salon visits.”

Enza Piazza, Hair Stylist & Color Consultant

Salon-Grade Toners: When you need something a bit more powerful, these toners step in. Used by the pros, they’re perfect for those big changes and getting your hair to just the right tone, especially after bleaching.

Cosmetologist Stephanie Johnson says, “For those big color transformations, professional toners are the way to go. They’re the secret sauce to getting that exact shade you’re dreaming of.”

Whether you’re reaching for your trusty bottle of purple shampoo or planning a visit to the salon, understanding toners helps you make the best choices for your hair.

Can You Tone Your Hair Twice - blonde hair toner before and after
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Can You Tone Your Hair Twice - brunette hair toner before and after
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Reasons to Tone Your Hair Twice: When and Why It Makes Sense

Deciding to tone your hair twice isn’t a decision made on a whim. There are specific scenarios where a double toning session might just be what your hair needs.

Correcting Brassiness or Achieving a Specific Shade

One of the best reasons you might consider toning your hair twice is to correct brassiness or to fine-tune a specific hair color. It’s all about getting that perfect tone, which sometimes requires an extra step.

Justin Scepi tells us, “In some cases, toning twice is necessary, especially if your hair didn’t quite get to where you wanted it the first time. If your hair still feels healthy and isn’t overly processed, a second round of toning could be the solution to achieving that ideal shade.”

The Expert Take

Each hair type and color treatment reacts differently, so it’s crucial to understand when a second toning might be a good idea or not.

Jennifer Adams, Hairdresser & Artistic Director, explains, “If you’re not satisfied with the results after the first toning, especially if you’re aiming for a less brassy look or a specific color, a second toning might do the trick. Just be cautious about the potential impact on your hair’s health.”

Hairstylist at Swoon Salon, Nathan England, adds, “It’s all about the end goal. If the first toning session didn’t quite hit the mark, and your hair is still up for it, a second round can be a good move. It’s especially common when you’re transitioning to a much lighter or specific tone.”

Making the Right Decision

Deciding to tone your hair twice isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. You need to think about the current condition of your hair, your ultimate color goal, and the advice of the all-knowing professionals.

Amber Jackson, a salon owner and stylist, offers her advice, “When considering toning your hair twice, it’s essential to think about why you need it.

If it’s for correcting slight tonal issues or achieving a specific look, and your hair is healthy, it can be a good option. Just make sure to consult with a professional to ensure it’s done safely.”

So basically, toning your hair twice can be a good idea if you’re looking to correct brassiness or reach a very specific hair color. But you need to take careful consideration of your hair’s health and ideally go see a hair care professional who can tailor it just for you.

Hair Toning Before and After

Risks and Considerations of Toning Your Hair Twice

It’s wise to take a beat and consider the potential risks of toning your hair twice in one go. After all, your hair’s health is as important as its color. Here’s what you should keep in mind before deciding to tone again.

Stef Guarnaccia, a Professional Stylist & Cosmetologist, emphasizes the importance of listening to your stylist, “If your hair has been previously damaged, it’s crucial to give it a break. Toning changes the hair’s tone, not its level, and should be done with care.”

Understanding the Risks

Toning your hair twice is a balancing act between achieving the perfect shade and avoiding possible hair woes. The main risks? Hair damage and dryness.

  • Hair Damage: Over-toning can lead to increased hair fragility. Each toning session involves chemical processing, which can weaken the hair shaft if done excessively.
  • Dryness: Frequent toning may strip your hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness. This can make your hair feel straw-like and lose its natural luster.

Expert Insights

“Toning your hair twice in one day can be rough on your locks. If the toner is not used with a low volume developer, it might leave your hair feeling dry and unhealthy. If you’re not getting the color you want, it might be a sign of an underlying issue in your color process.”

Laura Lee Mason, Bang! Salon Owner and Color Specialist
Can You Tone Your Hair Twice - purple toner shampooing in a hair salon
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Proper Timing Between Toning Sessions

When it comes to toning your hair, timing really is everything. Getting the interval right between toning sessions can make a big difference in keeping your hair looking fabulous and feeling healthy. Let’s talk about the sweet spot for scheduling these sessions.

How Long Should You Wait?

The golden rule? Patience is key. The ideal wait time between toning sessions usually ranges from four to eight weeks. This allows your hair to recover from the chemical process and maintain its health.

Laura Lee Mason advises, “Wait at least a month between toning sessions. This gives your hair a much-needed break and time to regain its strength.”

Amber Jackson agrees, “Four to eight weeks is a good range. It’s long enough to see how your hair reacts to the first toning and to plan the next steps accordingly.”

Tailoring to Your Hair’s Needs

Remember, every head of hair is unique. Factors like your hair’s condition, the type of toner used, and even your hair goals can influence how long you should wait.

Enza Piazza suggests, “If your hair is on the healthier side, you might be able to tone a bit sooner. But if it’s been through a lot, like bleaching, give it more time to recuperate.”

The wait time between toning sessions should be long enough to keep your hair healthy and ready for the next round. Listen to your hair, and when in doubt, consult a professional who can provide personalized advice based on your hair’s specific needs.

Alternative Methods to Adjust Hair Color

If you’re thinking about tweaking your hair color but want to steer clear of extra toning sessions, you’re in luck.

There are several easy methods to adjust your hair color without the need for additional toning. These methods are gentler and can be just as effective.

Color-Safe Shampoos and Conditioners

These products are your hair’s best pals when it comes to maintaining and slightly adjusting your color. They’re specifically formulated to enhance and prolong hair color, while also being gentle on your hair.

  • For Brassy Tones: If brassiness is your main concern, look for shampoos and conditioners with blue or purple pigments. They work wonders in neutralizing those unwanted yellow or orange tones, especially in blonde or silver hair.
  • For Faded Color: If your hair color is looking a bit dull, color-safe products can help revive it. They often contain ingredients that add shine and depth to your hair, making your color look fresh and vibrant.

Natural Remedies

Believe it or not, your kitchen might just hold the key to subtle hair color corrections. These natural remedies are worth a try:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse: ACV is known for its ability to enhance the natural shine and color of your hair. It can also help in removing product buildup, which sometimes affects hair color appearance.
  • Chamomile Tea: This isn’t just for sipping! Rinsing your hair with chamomile tea can add gentle highlights to blonde hair.
  • Coffee or Tea Rinses: Brunettes, this one’s for you. Rinsing your hair with strong coffee or black tea can deepen your brown tones and add a rich sheen.

Temporary Color Depositing Products

These are a fantastic option for those who want a temporary change without commitment. From color-depositing masks to tinted dry shampoos, these products can give you a quick color boost and wash out over time.

beautifully toned balayage hair color
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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Safely Tone Your Hair

Toning your hair can be a rewarding experience, whether you’re doing it at home or in a salon. But to get it right, you need to follow some key steps.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you safely tone your hair and achieve that perfect shade.

1. Preparation

Choose the Right Toner: First, pick a toner that matches your hair color goals. If you’re unsure, consult a professional.

Test First: Always do a patch test to ensure you don’t have any allergic reactions to the toner.

Gather Your Tools: You’ll need gloves, a brush for application, a mixing bowl, and a timer.

Start with Clean, Towel-Dried Hair: Toner typically works best on clean, slightly damp hair.

2. Mixing the Toner (For At-Home Toning)

Follow Instructions: Mix the toner and developer as per the product instructions. Ratios can vary, so this step is crucial.

Use the Right Developer: A lower volume developer like 5 or 10 is usually recommended for toning, as it’s gentler on your hair.

3. Application

Section Your Hair: Divide your hair into sections to ensure even application.

Apply the Toner Evenly: Starting from the roots, apply the toner evenly across each section. Use a brush for precision.

Time It Right: Leave the toner in your hair for the duration specified in the instructions. Timing is key to achieving the desired shade.

4. Rinsing

Rinse Thoroughly: Once the time is up, rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water. Avoid hot water as it can strip away color.

5. Aftercare

Use Sulfate-Free Shampoo: When washing your hair post-toning, use a sulfate-free shampoo to maintain the color.

Condition Well: Use a good quality conditioner to keep your hair hydrated and healthy.

Limit Heat Styling: Try to minimize the use of heat styling tools immediately after toning to prevent damage.

Salon Hair Toning

Consult with Your Stylist: Discuss your hair color goals and any concerns you might have.

Trust the Process: Salon professionals will follow a similar process but with professional-grade products and expertise.

Whether at home or in a salon, toning your hair requires attention to detail, from preparation to aftercare. By following these steps, you can enjoy a beautiful, even, and healthy hair tone.

Watch and Learn: How to Tone Your Hair The Right Way

Here’s out favorite video tutorial that guides you through how to tone your hair the right way like a pro!

Keeping Your Hair Fabulous After Toning

Toned your hair and loving the new look? Awesome! Now, let’s keep it looking vibrant and healthy. Here are some simple yet effective tips for post-toning hair care:

Gentle Washing: Hold off on shampooing for a couple of days after toning. When you do wash, use products specially made for color-treated hair. They’re gentler and help your color last longer.

Deep Conditioning: Once a week, treat your hair to a deep conditioning mask. It’s like a spa day for your locks, keeping them moisturized and happy.

Heat Styling with Care: Try to keep the heat styling to a minimum. But if you must, don’t forget to use a heat protectant spray to shield your hair.

Trims are Your Friend: Regular trims help keep your hair looking neat and prevent split ends, making your color look more even and fresh.

Product Picks: Opt for sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners. For deep nourishment, look for hair masks with ingredients like argan or coconut oil.

Remember, the key to keeping that tone terrific is as much about the aftercare as it is about the coloring process.

FAQs About Hair Toning

Hair toning can bring up a lot of questions, especially if you’re new to the process. Let’s clear up some common queries with straightforward, expert-backed answers.

Q: How often can I safely tone my hair?

Generally, it’s safe to tone your hair every 4-8 weeks. This interval helps minimize damage and maintains hair health. If your hair is particularly fragile, consider extending this period.

Q: Can toning damage my hair?

Toning, when done correctly and not too frequently, is relatively gentle. However, over-toning can lead to dryness and damage. Always use a quality toner and follow up with proper hair care.

Q: Will hair toning change my hair color completely?

No, toning is more about refining than transforming. It adjusts the shade of your existing color, neutralizes brassy tones, and enhances overall vibrancy.

Q: Can I tone my hair at home, or should I go to a salon?

Both are viable options. At-home toning is possible with the right products and careful application. However, for significant changes or if you’re unsure, a salon visit is recommended.

Q: What should I do to prepare my hair for toning?

Start with clean, towel-dried hair. Make sure your hair is in good condition; if it’s overly damaged, consider a conditioning treatment first.

Q: How do I maintain my hair color post-toning?

Use color-safe shampoos and conditioners, limit heat styling, and apply deep conditioning treatments regularly to maintain color and hair health.

Parting Words

In short, hair toning is important for getting your ideal hair color. As for toning your hair twice, well, it depends. It can work if you’re fixing brassiness or fine-tuning your color, but be careful not to overdo it.

Before going for round two, think about your hair’s health and maybe chat with a pro. Toning too much can be rough on your hair.

If you’re not into the idea of double toning, no sweat! There are gentler options like special products, natural tricks, or temporary color fixes.

Whatever you choose, just follow the steps right and take good care of your hair afterward. That’s how you keep your color looking great and your hair feeling happy. So, grab that perfect shade and let your hair shine – welcome to the world of hair toning!

Found your perfect shade? We’d love to see it! Tag us on Instagram @colouredhaircare or Facebook and share your hair dye success stories. Looking for more hair care tips? Check out How to Look After Colored Hair: 11 Expert Secrets For Long-Lasting Color.

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Our Research & Review Process

To ensure our recommendations are as comprehensive and reliable as possible, we’ve undertaken an extensive research effort.

We cite scientific evidence and journals, collect real user reviews and gather impartial perspectives from hair stylists, users, and experts in the field.

Additionally, we conduct hands-on testing by using products and applying hair dyes not only on our own locks but also on real human hair extensions and hair pieces of different hair type, textures and lengths.

This rigorous approach allows us to provide you with insights into which products genuinely live up to their promises.

As always – please consult with a professional hair colorist or stylist for advice on how to color your own hair at home. It’s different for everyone!


  • Nicola Freeman, Creative Director & Content Lead
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    With over two decades of passionate hair dyeing experience, I've experimented with nearly every shade imaginable. My journey began long before blogging; as an award-winning copywriter in London and New York, I shaped narratives for iconic brands. However, when friends sought advice during lockdown for at-home hair dyeing, I realized my true calling. Beyond being your hair color expert, I'm a mom of two girls, wife to artist Tony, and an avid soccer player!

  • Enza Piazza, Hair Stylist & Color Consultant
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    I’m Enza Piazza, your go-to hair stylist and color consultant with over 23 years of professional salon experience bringing vibrancy and life to hair of all hues. My Italian roots from sunny Sicily infuse passion into every snip and color, a passion that’s been recognized with top honor awards including bridal and party hair at the National Hairdressers Federation’s Championships. After training in Surrey, UK’s most prestigious salons including Head Master Academy, I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit and set up Enza Hair Styling, offering tailored hair care for 13 years, and treating each client like family. Away from the salon, I cherish moments as a proud Nonna to grandson Joseph and as a playful companion to my Jack Russell, Bo.